On January 11th, the 103rd General Assembly was sworn in and in the moment, I felt immense pride for the work my team and I did over 2022 to ensure re-election as your State Representative in District 66. I feel so honored to have met hundreds of individuals at their doors and to listen to their stories. I am humbled by the support I have felt over the years, I am grateful for every person who volunteered their time on my campaign and the efforts of so many who helped me get here.
It is no secret that the 2022 election was a tough race. We’re in, what is historically, a red district that has mainly been represented by Republicans. That’s why the GOP funneled 100s of thousands of dollars to my opponent, and yet we prevailed. Looking out on the Democratic Caucus on Inauguration Day, I was struck by the diversity represented in our caucus! The Asian American Caucus doubled in size, and the women’s caucus is the largest caucus on the democrat side!
As I took my oath in front of hundreds of family members and supporters, I thought about community and the loving people in my life who continuously support me throughout my wildest dreams of making the world a better place. As I told thousands of voters I spoke to over the last two years, I am a Representative for everyone, and I will continue listening, showing up and advocating for our beautiful district. Now that the 103rd General Assembly is sworn in, it’s time to hunker down and keep advocating for the people of District 66 and build upon the great foundation of our wonderful state, Illinois.
Thanks to my awesome family who made the trip to Springfield to be at my inauguration and a huge thank you to my Uncle Dan, who took these photos!
My District Office is open 5 days a week at 20 S Grove, Carpentersville from 10AM-4PM Monday-Thursday and 10AM-3PM on Fridays. My staff and I are here to answer any questions you may have, and assist you as we can.
Sincerely, Suzanne